Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi Mystery Minis Coming This Fall!
More Star Wars Mystery Minis are coming! A new wave based on Episode VII will be flying into stores in November. This wave will include:
-Supreme Leader Snoke
-General Leia
-Captain Phasma
-Finn (Imperial Disguise)
-Kylo Ren
-Poe Dameron
-Praetorian Guard (Staff)
You can pre-order a full case at!

Wal-Mart, GameStop, & Walgreens will all have exclusive assortments.
Wal-Mart will include Unmasked Kylo Ren, Resistance BB Unit, and Praetorian Guard with a whip. (These replace BB-9E, Kylo Ren, & DJ)

Walgreens will have Preatorian Guard with a Double Bladed Staff, Holographic Snoke, & C’ai Threnalli. (These replace Snoke, Imperial Disguise Finn, and DJ)

And finally, GameStop will have the First Order Executioner, Rey in a cloak, & Porg with open wings. (These replace Rey, Porg, & Praetorian Guard with Staff)