ECCC 2021 Funko Shared Exclusives Checklist & Online Links!

The Spring Virtual Con is here! This takes the place of ECCC this year, and while there is no in-person show, Funko is releasing a full series of exclusives. Just like every Con release, most of these will be available at Funko retail partners. We have links below to each of the exclusives at their respective location. According to Funko’s website & social media, they will all be available online at 9am EST on Thursday, March 4th. These times may change, and some stores may have a later time. This will be a living document, so keep checking for updated links when these are available, and make sure to keep an eye on our Instagram & Facebook for up to the minute release updates!
–The Deep
–Kenny Powers
–Tommy & Billy Maximoff 2-Pack
–Darkwing Duck FunkoVerse
Barnes & Noble:
–Wonder Woman
–Wonder Woman
Box Lunch:
–Jackie Chun
Entertainment Earth: (12n EST Thursday)
–Lizard Face Diana
–Zombie Morbius
Hot Topic:
–Buffed Chopper
–Bony Tony
–Todd Ingram Soda
Newbury Comics:
–Matthew Patel Soda
-Spider-Man 2099
–Dwight as Kerrigan
-Nejire Hado
-Kim Pine
-Thundarr the Barbarian
-Princess Ariel
-Ookla the Mok
-Seattle Squatch
-Weedle on the Needle
-Kobra Khan Soda
-Man-at-Arms Soda Lottery Winners:
-Green Ogre
-Skeleton Pirate with Treasure
-HR Pufnstuf Soda
Funko held a Lottery for all their Fun Club members for the opportunity to purchase all the items on the Funko Shop early. If you are not a Fun Club member, download the Funko App now and sign up, as it looks like SDCC will also be a Virtual Con.
Good luck & have fun!